News — time off
[Video] Attendance:
Posted by CeCe Mikell on
You *really* need the day off, but you forgot to put in your time off request. So you call in sick. Result: boss is frustrated; scheduler is frantic; client is inconvenienced; you get a complaint just because the client feels put out. And then someone finds out on Facebook or from your picture in the paper that you weren't sick but playing hookie.Here's a MUCH better way to handle a last-minute time off need, even when it's your fault you missed the request deadline. Subscribe for more Daily Engagement Videos like this.
- Tags: Attendance, time off
[Video] Attendance: Time Off Request NOT Approved
Posted by CeCe Mikell on
It's going to happen. You're going to need some days off, and the boss/scheduler is going to have to say no. And you're not going to like it.Why did the boss say no? Because the schedule for those days can't handle you being off.Find out what that means for you and what your response options are. Subscribe to Daily Engagement Videos like this.
- Tags: Attendance, time off
[Video] Attendance: Time Off Requests
Posted by CeCe Mikell on
The goal of time off policies is to give staff as much time off as possible while still being able to provide promised services to clients. That's the balancing act that bosses and schedulers face every time they get a time off request on their desk.And attendance policies establish the limit of days off that the company can handle before there is a significant impact on the schedule.What happens when your request affects the schedule? The company loses money. What happens when the company loses money? Staff - including YOU - lose hours and income.So make sure you observe the...
- Tags: Attendance, Policy, time off